Google推出了Google Docs,整合了Writely与Spreadsheets,在同一界面中用户可以选择使用哪一个服务,虽然很简单,但毕竟是迈出了在线Office的第一步,看来Microsoft的压力大了。(不支持Opera,Google的许多服务对Opera的支持都不是很好)
Sorry, but this browser does not support web word-processing.
We have heard loud and clear that many of you really want it to work, and we have discussed the problems with their development teams. In the meantime, please try us on: FireFox: 1.0.5 or higher Internet Explorer: 6.0 or higher Mozilla: 1.5 or higher All of these are FREE and easy to download and use
Ps:刚才试用发现Writely不支持Blogger Beta,看来只有等待Google更新服务了。
Update: 让Google Docs 支持Opera的方法